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Optimal Viewing Distance

Dear Redeeming Grace,

Last week as we looked at Lamentations 3 we were encouraged that in our misery we can find true hope when we remember God's mercy. There was a helpful illustration from the fine art world that has stuck with us this week -- "the optimal viewing distance."

Just as a painting needs to be seen in its totality for it to be appreciated, so we must look on all that God has done and is yet to do when we find ourselves looking narrowly at our suffering. Phil, our guest preacher, put it this way:

"Suffering can narrow our vision. Trying to understand God’s character through an isolated moment or season is like viewing a 50 square foot mural from an inch away. We must step back, expand our time horizon, see the entire painting."

I think the apostle Paul had a similar thought in mind when he wrote these incredible words:

"For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison..." (2 Cor. 4:17 ESV)

We pray that in whatever ways you are suffering right now, that you'll be comforted by the Lord. In particular, that you would bring to mind the reality that God's love and mercy are boundless and endless. May we view our lives from the perspective of the eternal glory that awaits us as we commit our suffering to the Lord and look to him for renewed hope.