We've temporarily moved due to construction at our facility. Please join us Sundays at Liberty Elementary School in Franklin at 10:30AM!

Futility or Fullness

Dear Redeeming Grace,

Two words continue to help me reflect on Jason's message from our last meeting: futility or fullness. Life here on earth can be either one. I suspect we experience moments throughout our days that fall into both of those categories.

There are times when we discover that our focus has been on ourselves and we've sought joy in what's temporary.  We may feel those endless cycles of the things that come and go and perhaps are tempted to despair what seems meaningless.

But there are also sweet moments where our hearts are genuinely satisfied in the goodness of God and the treasure of knowing and making much of Jesus. When we set our hearts on the glory of Jesus and rest in his grace for us, life is undeservedly full!

As we press forward each day, one way to seek God's grace is to practice simple prayers, from the scriptures, that shape how we live. One of those comes from Psalm 90:14

"Satisfy us in the morning with your steadfast love, that we may rejoice and be glad all our days." (Ps. 90:14 ESV)

I pray the Lord will help us to live more and more satisfied in the love of God enjoying the fullness of his undeserved grace.