We've temporarily moved due to construction at our facility. Please join us Sundays at Liberty Elementary School in Franklin at 10:30AM!

Good Works Give Glory

Dear Redeeming Grace,

In his most famous sermon, Jesus said this:

"In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven." (Matthew 5:16 ESV)

Good works give glory. That's an amazing and humbling thought when you let it sink in. Jesus calls us to be like a city on a hill, or a light on a stand. Undeniably noticed, but not for our own sake or our own glory. Rather, so that people see the goodness of God and glorify Him.

As Dave encouraged us last week from Acts 14, we are to live our lives giving God glory for the countless means of grace all around us. And when God chooses to use us, and others notice, to practice transfering all glory to God as well.

May God help us to notice His grace in our lives and take every opportunity to tell others how very good He is. Indeed, He alone is worthy.