We've temporarily moved due to construction at our facility. Please join us Sundays at Liberty Elementary School in Franklin at 10:30AM!

How Hope Brings Joy

Dear Redeeming Grace,

During Dave's message on Joy last Sunday, he mentioned Proverbs 10:28 which says this: "The hope of the righteous brings joy, but the expectation of the wicked will perish."

I'd like to focus this week on the first part of that truth: the hope of the righteous brings joy. First, this proverb speaks to believers in Jesus Christ. It is us who have been forgiven of our sins by Christ's sacrifice who are made righteous. It would follow then that living in our unique hope as Christians is one way to pursue joy.

The hope of the righteous is both the reality of our relationship with God now and the eternal life that we will one day experience—an eternal life that is free from suffering, sin, evil and death. But not only is it free from the difficulties of this life, it is full of eternal pleasures we've yet to experience: Unhindered communion with God. Knowing as we are fully known. Seeing the glory of our savior Jesus face to face and enjoying the love of God in its fullness.

This is the kind of hope that only those in Christ know. And this hope, the proverb tells us, brings us joy. Let me encourage you this week to think about the hope that you have as one of God's children. May you be filled with joy for all that you have and all that lies ahead in Christ.