We've temporarily moved due to construction at our facility. Please join us Sundays at Liberty Elementary School in Franklin at 10:30AM!

Humble Courage

Dear Redeeming Grace,

Last week Howard helped us to see, in the life of Paul, two character traits worthy of meditation and emulation -- humility and courage. We really do need both at work in our lives. 

Humility guards us from being self-centered and overly sure of our own thoughts and opinions. But there is also a danger of false humility which can keep us from acting in love when necessary, because of fear.

Courage is a willingness to act or speak, grounded in a confidence that God is faithful to lead us. To stand alone, if necessary, for what is right and to act, even when fear is present.

We need both humility and courage as we live our lives for the glory of God and the advance of the gospel. It is the only message that can impart saving faith to a world in desperate need of good news. And as we share that message and live it out, we'll need God's grace to declare it faithfully.

May the Lord use us as witnesses to his glorious grace this week as we love and follow him with a humble courage.