We've temporarily moved due to construction at our facility. Please join us Sundays at Liberty Elementary School in Franklin at 10:30AM!

The Battle for Glory

Dear Redeeming Grace,

Last week, Jason reminded us of this: "In a fallen world there is a battle for glory every day."

Indeed, from the first sin, when Adam and Eve gave in to the temptation of Satan and disobeyed God's good command, there has been a battle. In that moment it's as if humanity said to God "You're not enough". And since that first rebellion, we've all created a thousand different idols to give glory to.

They call out for our attention and affections. We assign value and worth to things of our own doing and making. Or we may glorify God's gifts rather than him as the giver. Sometimes we find small temporary satisfactions in our idols, only to realize we are still longing for the true joy and rest only God can supply in himself.

But when we engage in the daily battle, it is because of Christ's victory. The moments we recognize our misplaced worship and turn again in repentance and faith are a gift of God's grace. They are reminders that the Spirit of God is at work in us and that we know the only One who is truly worthy!

So let's engage in the battle with the full armor of God we see in Ephesians 6. Let's remember that Jesus has fully forgiven us of all our sins. Let's have our eyes and hearts so fixed on the majesty of our God, who loved us and gave himself for us, that the things of this world keep growing strangely dim. And may God satisfy us with his matchless glory.